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Tru-Test Eziweigh 7 Scale Indicator


  • Using its built-in Bluetooth® technology, the EziWeigh7i wirelessly  will send weights to the Shearwell Data Stock Recorder  G2, G3 and G4
  • Connects to Shearwell SDL440 stick reader, Tru-Test’s EID readers.

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The Tru-Test Ezi-Weigh 7 can store up to 15,000 individual records over 100 sessions and clearly displays an animals weight gain since it was last taken. Capable of connecting to computers via USB, the Ezi-Weigh 7 Weight Scale Indicator has a large, backlit 35mm high display screen, and will automatically calibrate itself to the Tru-Test Load Bar when they are connected.


  • Will connect with the Farm Works Stock recorder
  • 20 hour battery life
  • Water & dust proof casing
  • 3-way manual sort by weight
  • Built-in Bluetooth technology
  • Records animal weights quickly
  • Super-bright white LED backlight
  • Includes visual & EID tag information
  • Can store 15,000 individual animal records
  • Made with Tru-Test’s Superdamp III technology